Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Okay, I decided that not only should you be entertained by my journal account of the trip, but you should be privy to the pictures too! And let me tell you, scanning all 186 of them was a trip in itself!

Times certainly have changed with the advent of the digital age. My trip to Europe in 2002 used 8 rolls of film and yielded 186 pics (actually the negatives show a few are missing!). My trip to India in 2009? About 979 photos. Approximately.

Here's what I found from going through these pictures tonight (I think it took 4 hours...I watched "The Proposal" and "Goonies" in Spanish  while I scanned. They are completely different movies in Spanish, believe you me!) Eight percent of my pictures taken in Europe were merely to take pictures of cute boys.  Yes, my 17 year old-self wanted to capture the truly important things on my trip. And my 25 year old self will share a few pics that corresponded to last entry. Recap of last entry: Hot German flight attendants (male), the Colosseum and the Forum.

Oh, look. Didn't even make it out of Chicago before I started man-hunting. [rolls eyes]

Okay, he's a little boy-faced, but still.

I don't care who you are. He's hot. I wonder where he is now! ;)

View from the room of me, Citizen B and Fabio ;)

Ze Colosseum! Albert, our awesome tour guide, is the dude w/ sunglasses. He spoke like 5 or 6 languages!

Hey, look. More boys! I really wanted an example of European tight pants ;) Rawr!

The Colosseum needed some support. Proof that I've always been goofy. (And plan to always be, thank you very much!)

Inside the Colosseum

Natural Spring near the Forum, you know, where Caesar was backstabbed. I'm pretty sure the blood is no longer in the water ;) I mean, uh, poor Caesar. Et tu, Brute? Jerk.

I think these are the steps on which Caesar was murdered. Citizen B can confirm or deny this.

A view of the area. Bet it looked pretty awesome back in the day :) All them Roman dudes in togas and stuff. Yeah.

I believe this was the Forum where all the important Senate-like meetings were held. Citizen B, fact check?

The wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus. Remus was killed by Romulus (good ol' sibling rivalry) and Rome was named after Romulus. Hmmm, my siblings better watch out! ;) Just keeeedding!

Wedding Cake/City Hall, right, B?

There I am at the window to our bachelorette pad, probably wondering how long before a cute Carabinieri comes to arrest me! ;)

So, what do you guys think so far? Remember the next entry will detail my first kiss stolen from me by Tom Cruise... Stay tuned! Peace!


  1. First kiss stolen by Tom Cruise? This shit is going to be GOOD. Really nice pics by the way. I'm kind of disappointed you didn't get closer shots of european tight pants wearing men. :( Where be the butts?

  2. Yessssss! Photos! I like the last one especially. Did you know you can no longer walk over the actual Colosseum? Glad you got to back in the day. ;)

  3. Molly, I got plenty of pics of guys, but not enough. Thank goodness for digital cameras! And I'm pretty sure they still wear tight pants, no?

    D, I had no idea they don't allow that anymore! Too bad my memory is terrible and I don't clearly remember walking on it :) lol

  4. I remember the kiss stolen by Tom Cruise! aaaaaaaah the memories! I'd have to go back through my pictures to confirm some of the Rome photos, but I believe your captions are correct.

    Those were the days, D, those were the days...
